Monday, December 7, 2009

MJ's Memories -

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MJ's Memories was in the news again this morning! Check it out here:MJ's Memories - - News, Weather, Sports - Topeka, Kans...
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christa's Butterfly Kisses

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Christa's Butterfly Kisses is one of our local projects that was started in Colorado. It was started by an awe-inspiring woman, Vanessa, in memory of her beautiful daughter. Her strength and love for Christa shines through and is an inspiration to us all.You can contact Vanessa at: Vanessa@projectsweetpeas.comHer Story:When I was 5 months...
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Friday, November 20, 2009

Drake's Doodlebugs: Louisiana Gift Bag Project

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Another set of ladies that amaze us everyday, We are honored to be working with Christy and Ashley and their local project in Louisiana: Drake's Doodlebugs.You can contact them at:Christy@projectsweetpeas.comAshley@projectsweetpeas.comDrake's Story:Burt and Christy Michel were having trouble getting pregnant. After an appointment with the...
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Sunday, November 15, 2009

MJ's Memories In the News

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One of our newest local projects, MJ's Memories, recently was in the news for their amazing work!MJ's Memories was started by an amazing mom, Megan, in memory of her son MJ. They deliver gift bags to Stormant-Vail Hospital NICU in Kansas and Children's Mercy Hospital NICU in Missouri.Check out the news article here:Project keeps baby's memory...
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Monday, November 9, 2009

Kiernan's Kindness - Arizona gift bag project

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We are humbled to be working with two amazing ladies; Julie and Danielle. Kiernan's Kindness delivers Project Sweet Pea gift bags to the state of Arizona. You can contact them Here are their stories:JulieKiernan was born at 36 weeks and immediately taken to the NyICU (nursery icu)...
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ayda's Blessing in the News!

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Ayda's Blessing was started by Shanell in honor of her little miracle, Ayda. Ayda's Blessings supplies gift bags to Kootenai Medical Center NICU/PICU in Idaho. Earlier this week, they were featured for a news story on KXLY News!You can contact Shanell at: Shanell@projectsweetpeas.comRead more about Shanell and Ayda's story here:Ayda's Blessi...
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Shelby's Sunshine-Indiana Gift Bag Project

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Stephanie is also one of the founders of Project Sweet Pea. With a heart of gold and tons of positive energy, she is just what this project needed! Her local project, Shelby's Sunshine, is in honor of her daughter Shelby, who is an inspiration to us all!You can contact Steph at: Steph@projectsweetpeas.comHere is her story:My daughter was...
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Friday, October 30, 2009

Shannon's Star- Pennsylvania Gift Bag Project

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Kate, one of the founders of Project Sweet Pea, started her local project in memory of her angel, Shannon. Kate puts her heart and soul into everything she does and we are so thankful to have her with us with Project Sweet Pea!You can contact kate at: kate@projectsweetpeas.comHer Story:Steve and Kate Crawford were expecting their first...
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gabriel's Gift - Southern New England Gift Bag Project

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Project Sweet Pea all started with an angel . . . Gabriel.Gabriel's Mom, Corin and grandmom, Jeanne started making gift bags for Women and Infants NICU (Rhode Island), Mass General Hospital NICU(Massachusetts), Lawrence and Memorial NICU (Connecticut). Corin met with two of her friends, whom are also NICU Moms, and from there Project Sweet...
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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Project Sweet Pea

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Project Sweet Pea seeks to provide a little touch of comfort for parents of children in the intensive care units. This project was started by a group of parents who have one thing in common, we have all experienced what it is like having a critically ill child in the ICU. Through our experience we came together for support and comfort. Now it is our turn to give back. Our goal is simple: To provide gift bags that give a touch...
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