Monday, February 15, 2010

Delivering Smiles in Indiana

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Project Leader for Shelby's Sunshine, Stephanie Olivarez had an article written on her and Shelby's story.Please check it out on our website
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Our progress!!!

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In just 7 short months Project Sweet Pea has delivered 186 gift bags to families across the US! That is an average of 26 bags a month!Just think, we have helped comfort 186 families!!We are rapidly expanding as new project leaders start and we have expanded our gift bags.We now offer the following gift bags to be delivered to hospitals:Basic NICU/PICU BagThis is our most common gift bag. It includes a variety of items that can...
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Joey's Wings - our latest new project

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My name is Sara Walsh and this is my son Joey’s story…the story of an angel.My pregnancy was uneventful, and halfway through we had our second ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby. She confirmed our due date of January 8, 2008 and informed us that we needed to see one of the doctors to review the ultrasound. I never expected the doctor...
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She is Project Sweet Pea's "Amazing Grace"

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Hello, my name is Heather and I would like to share my story with you.My husband Tom and I are high school sweethearts and have been married for four wonderful years. We always knew we wanted to have children and decided to add to our family back in June of 2008. We are planners so when my goal of becoming pregnant in the late spring early...
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Ava's Angel project

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I am the type to plan out everything. Even though I couldn't wait to have kids, I waited for a few years until the time was "just right". My husband and I were thrilled when we found out we were expecting our first child. Our baby was due May 16, 2009.The pregnancy was going great. My husband and I are both healthy and we don't have any...
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Donny's Shining Light

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The path that led me here began in August of 2005. I found out I was pregnant! The most exciting news! Neither of us expected it yet both of us were thrilled. I was no where close to being naive about the different things that could go wrong yet I was positive that this would be the one. The planning and bonding for this little one began...
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Meet MJ's Memories

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After almost a year and a half and two rounds of the fertility medicine chlomid, Willie and I were absolutely elated when we found out we were expecting. My pregnancy started out just like any other, with the all day morning sickness and nervousness of a first time mother-to-be. We found out I was pregnant the beginning of December, and...
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