Monday, November 22, 2010

Stephen's Stroller Roll & More Deliveries!

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Kate, project leader of Shannon's Star in Pennsylvania, has a wonderful event going on benefiting the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh in honor of her son's (Stephen's) first birthday: If you're interested in participating please contact Kate by emailing her at:'d also like to share that Kate and Shannon's Star...
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 Projects Make the News!

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On Wednesday, November 10th, local project Ava's Angels located in Minnesota made the local news!An article appearing in the Sun Newspapers shares about project leader's, Lisa's, experiences with her daughter Ava, and shares about the local branch of Project Sweet Peas Lisa started in her memory.To read the entire feature written about Ava's...
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Pepsi Commercial Featuring PSP!

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Hey everyone!Back in July Pepsi shot a commercial for the Pepsi Refresh Project featuring Project Sweet Peas. It originally aired on a local channel in Texas. We recently got a hold of the file and wanted to share it with you!The video features project leader Megan of MJ's Memories and was shot at their local hospital, Stormont Vail. We'd like to add that MJ Memories delivered over 30 bags that da...
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shelby's Sunshine Recent Delivery!

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On October 29th local project Shelby's Sunshine delivered 70 bags to a NICU in Indianapolis, Indiana!Project leader and mom of Shelby wrote this:This was a wonderful delivery. We feel truly blessed to be able to help families with babies in the NICU. We were there with Shelby and understand the feeling of hopelessness. It is...
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