Monday, February 28, 2011

MJ's Memories 2 Mile Walk

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MJ's Memories will be benefiting from a 2 Mile Walk held May 1, 2011 from 1 pm to 4 pm. There will be a Balloon Release held at 3 pm.The 2 Mile Walk will be held at Century Park Boat Shelter in Vernon Hills, IL. Participants can walk with us on May 1 or they can Walk in Spirit. Pre-registered walkers and Walk in Spirit participants $20 fee includes a t-shirt, 5 raffle tickets, and a balloon to release. Walk in Spirit participants...
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

PSP Tax Exempt Status

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We are happy to report that Project Sweet Peas has finally received our official tax exempt status from the IRS!This means that all donations to Project Sweet Peas and our local projects are tax deductible.Our effective date of exemption is September 14th, 2010 (which it is back dated to our incorporation date).Project leaders will be receiving receipt forms this week, and leaders will then be able to provide receipts to people...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Donny's Shining Light Birthday Celebration Event

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Donny's Shining Light NICU Springtime (Birthday Celebration) Name TagsDonny's 5th birthday is coming up in March! In celebration of my son's Birthday, I will be making name tags for babies in the NICU. These name tags will be a wonderful keepsake for the families. A donation of $6.00 will provide a name tag for a baby in the NICU. It will help build precious memories and celebrate the life of my precious angel, Donny....
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kiernan's Kindness - Feb is Cuddle Month!

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From now and running through November 18th Kiernan's Kindness is doing an on-going item drive with each month as a different theme and set of items on request.February is our Cuddle month so we are asking for Hats, Blankets, and Birth Record pillows.Our goal is to be able to put together 25 bags for the NICU and 18 for the PICU to be delivered on December 18th.One the first of each month we will update with what the new month...
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Friday, February 4, 2011

Flowers of Hope Fundraiser

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Local Project Sweet Peas' project, Hailey’s Hope, serving hospitals in Alabama and Tennessee, needs your help!This April will be the project's 1 year anniversary. You can help Hailey's Hope celebrate its anniversary and make it successful in its 2nd year of donating care packages to families with babies in intensive care units by participating...
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