Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome Mason's Monarchs!

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Project Sweet Peas would like to officially welcome a new local project that joined us this month: Mason's Monarchs!Shannon Mason is project leader of Mason's Monarchs, which is serving a local hospital in Florida. For more information about Mason's Monarchs, please email is the story of the Mason family...I...
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome Gabriella's Grace!

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Project Sweet Peas would like to officially welcome a new local project in Gabriella's Grace, which joined us in May! Gwen Weber is Gabriella's mom and the project leader of Gabriella's Grace, which donates care packages to a local hospital in Ohio.For more information on Gabriella's Grace, please email Gwen at is Gabriella's story ...My husband Jake and I got married in July and quickly set about...
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome Kit's Muse & Kit's Muse Yarn Drive!

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This post contains a lot of important information so please make sure you read the whole thing!First, Project Sweet Peas would like to welcome another new local project, Kit's Muse! Jennifer is the project leader of Kit's Muse and Kit's mom. Kit's Muse donates care packages to its local hospital in Missouri. For more information, contact...
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A (Belated) Welcome to Avi's Embrace!

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We recently realized that we haven't been keeping up with welcoming local projects on our blog, and we figured it's about time we start doing that again!Project Sweet Peas welcomed a new local project in February called Avi's Embrace. Sarah King is Avi's mom and the project leader of Avi's Embrace, which donates care packages to a local...
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Lauren & Madeline's Gift in the News!

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Below is the link for the article that appeared in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about my girls and Project Sweet Peas! Rondeau, Project Leader of Lauren and Madeline's Gi...
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

PSP Seeking Items for Auction

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Project Sweet Peas will be hosting an online auction in August. We are currently looking for items or baskets to feature in our auction. If you are interested in donating please contact us at for more informatio...
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NICU Book Questionnaire

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NICU parents (past and present) are needed to fill out a questionnaire to assist with the writing of a new book for parents in the NICU. Deborah Davis (author of Empty Cradle, Broken Heart and Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child) is in the process of writing a book on parenting in the NICU and has asked for NICU parents' assistance. Once this book is complete we look forward to adding it to our care packages! Please...
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