Monday, February 27, 2012

February 2012 Sweet Pea Spotlight: AnquanJaden

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AnquanJaden was born at exactly 25 weeks so he was 15 weeks early. The doctors are still unsure why he came so early. This is our story.On 10/14/2010 my water broke. At the time I didnt even know it was my water. I continued my evening as any other evening with my husband and our other 3 kids. On 10/15/2010 I was in Wal-mart and my then...
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dealing with Insurance Companies

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Dealing with Insurance CompaniesLisa Knigge Rondeau, Project LeaderHaving a child in the NICU brings with it so many emotions and realities, and often times one of the most stressful ones has to do with medical insurance. It won’t be long before the bills and phone calls start pouring in, and this is of course the last thing any new parent has time or energy to deal with. But sooner or later you will have to deal with it, and...
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2012 Project Sweet Peas T-Shirt Fundraiser

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2012 Project Sweet Peas T-Shirt FundraiserThroughout the month of February we are hosting a group fundraiser! Help us continue our mission of providing comfort to families with children in the intensive care units and to those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.The t-shirts are preshrunk 100% cotton with a full-front picture,...
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Nevaeh's Rainbow Spring Flower Drive

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Nevaeh's Rainbow Project is doing a Spring flower drive! Order your bulbs now for delivery the end of April. Flower Power Fundraising offers only the finest, best-quality bulbs and plants available from growers in Holland and the U.S. and they offer an unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.Please visit Flower Power Fundraising to place an order:
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Drake's Doodlebugs' 48 Days of Hope

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Drake's Doodlebugs with Project Sweet Peas is holding their 2nd annual 48 Days of Hope with a book drive. They will be collecting DADDY CALLS ME DOODLEBUG books by J.D. Lester. Please help them reach their 48 book goal by purchasing this book atWalmart for $5.00 + ShippingSHIP IT TODrake's DoodlebugsC/O Christy Michel717 Simpson WayCovington,...
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