Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Project Sweet Peas Cookbook

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We are looking for some great recipes for our Project Sweet Peas cookbook! Submit your recipes in memory or in honor of your sweet pea by June 5th for a chance to have them featured. A list of the contributors who's recipes are chosen will be posted by June 15th, and cookbooks will go on sale this summer! To submit a recipe Go To: http://www.typensave.com/app/# Username: PSP2012 Password: apple921 Utilize the "Additional Contributor"...
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Hailey's Hope: Mother's Day Delivery

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Hailey's Hope is proud to share about the project's recent delivery to the NICUs at Monroe Carrell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. Hailey's Hope, which was started in April 2010 in memory of project leader Kristin's daughter Hailey who passed away in January 2010, made it's second Mother's Day delivery the Saturday before Mother's...
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Bittersweet Moment

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A Bittersweet Moment by Shannon M. Mason, Project Coordinator Another Mother’s Day has come and gone and yet the day holds emptiness for mothers across the globes that are not able to look upon the face of their children. It is with empty hands and broken hearts that they face a world that places a certain stigma upon them. They do not receive phone calls from friends or cards from loved ones wishing them a Happy Mother’s...
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Monday, May 14, 2012

May Sweet Pea Spotlight: Stella

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May Sweet Pea Spotlight Stella It took my husband and I almost three years to get pregnant. We spent a full year trying to get pregnant on our own before we finally went to the doctor frustrated, angry, and exhausted. After almost two years of medications and having surgery to open my tubes we finally got pregnant in August ...
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kit's Muse: Excelsior Springs Hall of Trees

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Kit's Muse a division of Project Sweet Peas has been given the honor of decorating a huge mall size Christmas tree in their city this year. This tree will be seen by thousands and is also a normal feature in local papers. The theme is "through a child's eyes" She is currently offering several ways to honor your health, NICU or angel baby...
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