Thursday, March 21, 2013

Drake's Doodlebugs Origami Owl Fundraiser

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Drake's Doodlebugs Origami Owl Fundraiser Drake's Doodlebugs fundraiser with Origami Owl is a fun and unique way to tell your personalized story through charms, lockets and dangles. It's called a Living Locket and is sweeping the country! Tell your story today!! Design your own Origami Owl Living Locket! The lockets are all designed by you, and tell a story while helping Drakes Doodlebugs to provide care packages and memory...
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Hailey's Hope Spring Fundraiser

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Hailey's Hope Spring Fundraiser Hailey's Hope with Project Sweet Peas is having it's Spring 2013 fundraiser! Help raise money to fill NICU care packages and show off your support at the same time by purchasing one of our promotional items!!* Water Bottles are  $8,  Bracelets are $3, OR you can get BOTH for only $10! ...
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Comfort for Conneticut Update

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Our Bereavement Division, Forever My Sweet Pea, recently put together and delivered beautiful Memory Bags for the families that lost their children in the tragic Sandy Hook Shooting. Each bag is filled with treasured keepsakes to help the families remember and honor their children. We wanted to send our sincere appreciation to those...
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Celebrating 6,000 Care Packages

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Project Sweet Peas brought in the new year by hitting a huge milestone: delivering our 6,000th care package! In less then four years, Project Sweet Peas has blossomed from the dreams of three determined mothers to a nationwide effort to provide comfort to ICU and bereaved families. Today we send our most heartfelt...
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