Monday, January 10, 2011

Project Sweet Peas' Polar Plunge!

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Are you ready for another Polar Plunge?!If the Polar Plunge hosted by Shelby's Sunshine peeked your interest back around Thanksgiving, we're excited to tell you about another upcoming opportunity to take 'the plunge' and support Project Sweet Peas!Co-founder of Project Sweet Peas and project leader of Gabriel's Gift, Corin, has organized...
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Sweet Christmas Hope

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What is Hope? Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. All of the project leaders with Project Sweet Peas have hope. They all believe that the circumstances in their lives will lead to positive outcomes. Some spend countless hours sitting at the bedside of their newborn, some cheered after a gram was gained, some never knew their babies past pregnancy, and some, will never...
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