We wanted to honor babies lost by writing their names on balloons, releasing the balloons in remembrance of them, and photographing the balloons. Through our Facebook Page Event Wall, emails, and personal contacts, families from across the country submitted their babies' names to be remembered in our release.
On October 10th we began compiling all the names submitted to us onto one list and then divided the names up amongst the participating projects. We had seven of our local project leaders volunteer to host releases where they lived and take pictures of each balloon released in remembrance of the babies on their list.
Project Sweet Peas is extremely honored to share with you that we had over 400 names submitted and remembered in our release! Therefore, we believe that Project Sweet Peas had the country's largest Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day balloon release this year, and maybe ever!
Project leaders who held the balloon releases have been working all weekend to upload pictures of the balloons to albums on our Facebook Page where people are invited to tag themselves in the picture of their baby's balloon. To find the albums from the balloon releases please view this link to our Project Sweet Peas Facebook Photo Albums. There are several albums, and we hope to have all of the pictures uploaded by tonight at the latest.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their baby's name, participated, helped, and supported our 1st Annual Memorial Balloon Release. Project Sweet Peas is honored to have had the opportunity to help you remember your baby in this way.
Thank you ladies for doing this in honor of our babies. To know that others are remembering our sweet precious little ones that have gone on before does this Mama's heart a bit of good. I like to think that Evan Riley and Julia Rose saw the balloons floating up from Earth and were able to grab theirs and that they're now floating about their rooms in Heaven. Heaven's nurseries must be filled with balloons tied to our babies beds...
Thank you Sweet Peas!
-Kara, Julia Rose and Evan Riley's mama
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