Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Celebrating 3,000 Care Packages

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Several years ago Project Sweet Peas began with the efforts of three women. Inspired by their experiences they decided to start filling bags with items that they wished they had or needed during their stay in the hospital. Since then Project Sweet Peas has grown into a nationwide network of projects.

Today we celebrate 3,000 care packages. On October 28th project Avi's Embrace donated our 3,000th care package. That's 3,000 families supported by our organization. And that number has continued to grow.

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all of you. To our project leaders, to our volunteers, and to anyone who has contributed to our organization in some way. Without you, Project Sweet Peas would not be the success that it is.

We are so excited to see what the future holds.


You ladies are an inspiration! Keep up the amazing work!

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